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MPR Menicus Mender II Set

MPR Menicus Mender II Set

The Meniscus Mender II (MMII), originally made by Instrument Makar, is designed for suturing the meniscus under direct arthroscopic monitoring. The MMII allows the surgeon to work from the outside of the knee joint, instead of starting sutures inside the capsule and exiting them blindly out the back. This represents a safer, more effective method of treatment for repairable meniscal tears. Surgeon can use own choice of suture for the repair.


The MMII utilizes curved and straight spinal needles and a patented "Loop." These components and the outside-in approach minimize the risk of damage to neurovascular structures during meniscal repair.


The MMII Set includes:


10718     MPR 8 1/2" Straight Suture Passer (1)

10719     MPR 8 1/2" Curved Suture Passer (1)

10705     MPR Straight Rasp (1)

10724     MPR Suture Circle (1)


The MMII Disposable Set not included.


Close-up of Curved Suture Passer and Suture Circle shown below.

SuturePasserCurved   suturecircle2


CLICK HERE for instructions.


Designed by Dr. Lanny Johnson M.D.


Made in USA.


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Additional Info

  • Unit of Measurement: Each